Throw Away Your New Years Resolutions

Bikram Yoga Sarastoa

Less than 25% of people actually stay committed to their resolutions after just 30 days, and only 8% accomplish them, according to a recent article published in Forbes. So, even though the intent to establish healthy behaviors is there, a resolution approach may not be the best way to achieve the end goal. How does one go about making sustainable and attainable healthy initiatives that last throughout the year? 

Make it a lifestyle 

Behaviors and patterns stick when they become part of a lifestyle. By making healthy behaviors a part of a regular routine, it becomes a lifestyle–something incorporated into every day similar to brushing your teeth, walking the dog, or weekly errands such as grocery shopping and washing clothes. 

Think of it as a privileged not a chore

A meditation guru says, “Don’t should on yourself.” How many times do you think to yourself or hear others say, I should do this or more of that, whatever it is being referenced. When the “should” is taken out of the equation, obligation disappears. You let yourself off the hook and are free from unnecessary tasks that seem mundane or weigh on you. 

Reposition a healthy behavior, like a regular Bikram Yoga routine or other forms of exercise, or a consistent meditation practice as a privilege. If it’s Bikram Yoga, think of it as 90-minutes of uninterrupted me-time carved out to dedicate to wellbeing and self care. 

Make it a challenge

There is a science-backed statistic that says a behavior is formed after 21 days. If you are motivated by goals, try the Bikram Yoga 30 day challenge. It doesn’t have to end at 30 days, 60+ days have been completed by a few students at the Sarasota studio. 

Thinking differently about whatever healthy behavior you wish to accomplish this year will help you achieve your wellbeing goals.