Spring Cleaning for Your Gut

How Fermented Foods Keep Your Gut Healthy and Your Whole Body Healthy

Downtown Sarasota Yoga

Hippocrates said, “All disease begins in the gut.” If that is true, wouldn’t it make sense that a healthy gut means a body free from disease; therefore keeping the body in a healthy state? One way to accomplish this is by feeding the body bacteria, the good kind. 

Here locally in Sarasota, Sharon Juraszek has created a line of fermented foods called Fermentlicious. She began experimenting making fermented foods when she, herself, was experiencing health issues and sources she turned to for help referenced fermented foods. The beneficial bacteria in these foods killed yeast and zapped sugar cravings, two culprits of illness. Fermented foods have strains of healthy bacteria that destroy and inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria changing the gut flora or microbiota for the better. 

Sharon makes a variety of products which are cabbage based and include curry, ginger, turmeric, and other naturally medicinal ingredients, all which serve a beneficial purpose. There is also a kimchi hummus made with chickpeas and fermented chocolates the are delicious. You can find fermented food products at the grocery store and at the Sarasota Farmers Market on Saturdays near the studio. 

Yes, there are probiotics you can take that are ingested into your stomach, but the fermented food contain fiber that pulls the healthy bacteria down into your intestines and colon where it is most needed to be effective. 

Being well hydrated and eating a proper diet is an essential part of a Bikram yoga practice. You can feel a positive difference when you take care of yourself outside of the studio. A healthy body makes for a healthy practice.