Please help us maintain an intentional, considerate space that will facilitate your yoga practice by observing the following:
- Sign in when you arrive to the studio.
- Leave your expectations and your shoes in the lobby.
- Come early! If you are on time, you are late! Classes start on time, the studio is locked during class.
- Please use the restroom before class.
- Turn off cell phones and please refrain from using them in the studio.
- In consideration for those with sensitivities or allergies, please refrain from wearing scented products in class. No perfume, cologne, essential oils, or any fragrances in the yoga room.
- Bring only mat, towel, and water into the yoga room. Please leave purses, gym bags, cell phones, watches, fit bits, gum, and other personal belongings in the dressing room or your car.
- Make sure your water bottle has a lid and is not made of glass.
- Please find a space close to the mirror, filling up the classroom from front to back (beginners may stay in the back). Please work together to create enough space for everyone and a good flow of energy through the room.
- Maintain silence in the yoga room before and after class as many students utilize this time to quietly meditate. Respect the silence of your neighbors.
- Follow the directions exactly, as they are given, to the best of your ability in each posture. Focus on what you can do now, rather then what you can’t do yet. When you are not actively doing a pose, try to remain calm and still, and focus on yourself in the front mirror. Any extra movement are distractions to you and others.
- Stay in the yoga room. It’s always okay to take a break if you need to. If you must step out, please notify the instructor first, and re-enter the class between postures.
- Allow yourself to sweat with no wiping. Sweat has a cleansing effect and helps regulate your body temperature.
- Practice on your mat and towel unless you are instructed to step off your mat. The towel is there to catch the sweat. Please do your best to keep sweat on your mat/towel.(Hand towels are provided to wipe the sweat off the floor after the standing series. We do NOT use them or any prep for the postures).
- Move together with the class during postures. Please reserve additional postures or stretches you want to practice until after final Savasana.
- Be a good role model. Practice your stillness and discipline between poses. Notice if you are in front of a beginner, they will follow you.
- Have compassion for yourself and others. Remember: “Be kind. For everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.”
- Still no talking
- Enjoy Savasana. This is the final relaxation. Please do not leave the room until the teacher does. The last few moments of relaxation in Savasana at the end of class may be the most important.
- Place rental mats on the ballet bar or hangers in the back of the room when finished with Savasana and rental towels/hand towels in the bins in the lobby or the changing rooms.
- After class, respect others’ Savasana time and leave the room quietly – walk softly, roll your mat carefully, and shut the door gently.
- Please limit your shower time to two to three minutes in consideration of others.
- Check to make sure you have your personal belongings, if you forgot something be sure to come back within 24 hours to collect.
- Take the peaceful energy you create in class into the rest of your day.
See you tomorrow, Namaste!